Sitting here trying to compose myself long enough to type this out. Our boy has hit a road block and we are very, very concerned. Griffin has a bit of stool in his bowel and it hasn't moved/changed in the last 36 hours. He passed a very, very small amount of stool and it had some blood in it. We are praying this means that the stool is just that and not a blockage. However, that, combined with the fact that he had residual left over from his feeding a couple of days ago, could lead to a condition called NECK. That is an abbreviation and I cannot recall at this moment the entire name. We are praying fervently that his bowels start moving again soon and that he is able to pass this. NECK can cause a serious infection in babies and can also require surgery to remove part of his bowel. The place where a blockage sits can become dead and need removing. As of now, they are not diagnosing this as NECK, but thankfully are treating it proactively like it is.
His feedings have been suspended until Friday at the earliest. They have him on two strong antibiotics. One of the antibiotics can be hard on the kidneys. They test to make sure the kidneys are processing them ok before each dose. The last dose he was not able to receive. They have had to back off of this antibiotic and will test again and see if it is ok to proceed with it sometime tonight. They are doing an xray of his bowels each morning to see if there has been any changes. Thus far, there haven't been. They will continue to do this each morning.
We are concerned and are praying that God will get him through this. We know that He is in control and has a plan for Griffin. I feel helpless as his mother right now. I am curled up at God's feet in search of strength and peace.
Our prayer is that Griffin will pass this stool that is in his bowel very soon and that his kidneys can process the antibiotics so they can continue to give them to him. We pray that there is no more blood in his stool as well. We pray that the doctors and nurses and nurse practitioners have extreme wisdom and know the best way to treat Griffin and also discernment when it comes to how to proceed. I pray that my sweet boy is kept comfortable and that the infection is kept at bay by the antibiotics. We are grateful he is receiving such good care and grateful for our friends and family who are praying for our lil guy. I know God is sustaining us.
Please pray for our Griffin.
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